Yes, Virginia, there is more Noodler’s Waterase Ink Coming!

Rachel Goulet kindly wrote me that Mr. Tardiff has made another batch of this ink. She and Brian are expecting their shipment to hit Virginia sometime next week. The shipment contains 35 bottles of each color (black and blue). Not all 70 bottles will be available for sale as the Goulets will hold some back for samples.

Rachel also wrote that GouletPens will carry Noodler’s Waterase Ink yet they will not be the exclusive seller of it. If you want to know when the ink will be available from GouletPens, sign up for email notification at GouletPens. You do that by adding the color of the ink you want to a “wish list.” It is a pretty efficient system the Goulets have going.

The colors are blue and black. The bottles are 4.5 oz. A modified Platinum Preppy highlighter style pen comes with each bottle.

For reference:  my original post about Waterase Ink. Drop a comment and let me know what you think of this wet-erase ink after you use it.

Thank you, Nathan Tardiff! And thank you to Brian and Rachel Goulet for helping to get more Waterase Ink to the market! I hope it becomes a staple for folks. I’m a big fan of the ink and the reusable wet-erase marker concept. I’ve been using it nearly every day since I bought my first two bottles.

Trust me, I get no kick-back from anybody by pushing this ink or GouletPens for selling it. My last post about Waterase Ink generated a lot of interest and I felt I had to pass the word along that more Waterase Ink will be available.

Other Peaceable Writer Waterase Posts